Haiiro.moe gets a new design!
It's about time I actually update this website. The Hugo theme was really great, but the stuff I did to that thing to add the full-screen haiiro logo for example is just way too hacky for my taste. Soooo... instead I made an even more hacky static site generator. Such is the lifecycle of a hobby project.
This new system is a lot simpler than Hugo, however it is tailored exactly to my needs. Who cares about fancy stuff when I can literally just generate my whole page, tags and all, with just "vanilla" HTML, CSS and barely and JavaScript. I say "vanilla" because I actually used Pug for HTML and Sass for CSS, but they all compile down to regular old HTML.
What's the difference?
For starters, the site has a lot less fancy elements and even less images. I intend to make some themes for it too if I get inspired, and this makes things way easier for me and my sanity. The comments also got moved to GitHub Discussions, because I feel like GitHub is a lot more trusted than something like Disqus, which I only heard about because of sketchy pirate sites.
A big difference will (hopefully) be the amount of posts. I want to write about a lot more useless things, like the Jeopardy clone I made just for one event on Discord, or the fully scalable(tm) API I built just for some Discord bot that for that same server... And maybe even some life updates, or ramblings that I just can't not write down.
All the old posts are still here, and if things go well there will be even more coming.
Thank you for reading :D