About me
Hi, thank you for checking out my site. I am David, a 21-year-old computer science student. I made this site because I wanted my own little space on the web. It's so incredibly boring to see so many websites that are just the same two colors with an algorithm that controls everything you see and hear. I had to go through all 300+ of my following on Twitter just to get rid of AI "artists" and even then I am genuinely not sure if I did get all of them.
The fact that this is the internet now is kind of... I don't know, unsettling...? Concerning?
Long story short, me and social media do not go well together, and I wanted to make a space just for myself, so I made this site.
So, why is this site even?
To showcase some of my projects or to have a place where I can ramble. Or both! Probably both.
"Where can I find you?"
I have all my links listed on this site, but if you like more ancient tech, you can email me at cakes@haiiro.moe or if you're here for business (why), hit up nydavid@haiiro.moe.